25 Results for Place = "[Düsseldorf]"
jump to filter-options25 Results for Place = "[Düsseldorf]"
- The Document may only be accessed from the Special Reading Room.
Atomstromkosten und -risiken
Haftpflichtfragen und Optionen rationaler WirtschaftspolitikWelfens, Paul J. J.Wuppertal : Europ. Inst. für Internat. Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, 2011 - The Document may only be accessed from the Special Reading Room.
A core periphery pattern in Russia
twin peaks or a rat's tailPerret, Jens K.Wuppertal : Europ. Inst. für Internat. Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, 2010 - The Document may only be accessed from the Special Reading Room.
Dynamics in ICT cooperation networks in selected German ICT clusters
Schröder, ChristianWuppertal : Europ. Inst. für Internat. Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, 2013 - The Document may only be accessed from the Special Reading Room.
European and global reform requirements for overcoming the banking crisis
Welfens, Paul J. J.Wuppertal : Europ. Inst. für Internat. Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, 2010 - The Document may only be accessed from the Special Reading Room.
Foreign direct investments, energy efficiency and innovation dynamics
Erdem, DenizWuppertal : Europ. Inst. für Internat. Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, 2011 - The Document may only be accessed from the Special Reading Room.
Global economic sustainability indicator
analysis and policy options for the Copenhagen ProcessWelfens, Paul J. J. ; Perret, Jens K. ; Erdem, DenizWuppertal : Europ. Inst. für Internat. Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, 2010 - The Document may only be accessed from the Special Reading Room.
Green ICT Dynamics
key issues and findings for GermanyWelfens, Paul J. J. ; Lutz, ChristianWuppertal : Europ. Inst. für Internat. Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, 2012 - The Document may only be accessed from the Special Reading Room.
The Hungarian automotive sector
a comparative CEE perspective with special emphasis on structural changeSzalavetz, AndreaWuppertal : Europ. Inst. für Internat. Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, 2010 - The Document may only be accessed from the Special Reading Room.
The Hungarian ICT sector
a comparative CEE perspective with special emphasis on structural changeLengyel, BalázsWuppertal : Europ. Inst. für Internat. Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, 2010 - The Document may only be accessed from the Special Reading Room.
ICT and Economic Development
conclusion from IO analysis for selected ASEAN member statesIrawan, TonyWuppertal : Europ. Inst. für Internat. Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, 2013 - The Document may only be accessed from the Special Reading Room.
Industrial clusters
concepts and empirical evidence for East-Central EuropeSzanyi, MiklósWuppertal : Europ. Inst. für Internat. Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, 2010 - The Document may only be accessed from the Special Reading Room.
Information & communication technology and true real GDP
economic analysis and findings for selected countriesWelfens, Paul J. J. ; Perret, Jens K.Wuppertal : Europ. Inst. für Internat. Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, 2014 - The Document may only be accessed from the Special Reading Room.
Innovation and specialization dynamics in the automotive sector
comparative analysis of cooperation & application networksEmons, OliverWuppertal : Europ. Inst. für Internat. Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, 2010 - The Document may only be accessed from the Special Reading Room.
Innovationen und Transatlantische Bankenkrise
eine ordnungspolitische AnalyseWelfens, Paul J. J.Wuppertal : Europ. Inst. für Internat. Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, 2009 - The Document may only be accessed from the Special Reading Room.
Marshall-Lerner condition and economic globalization
Welfens, Paul J. J.Wuppertal : Europ. Inst. für Internat. Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, 2009 - The Document may only be accessed from the Special Reading Room.
New open economy policy perspectives
modified golden rule and hybrid welfareWelfens, Paul J. J.Wuppertal : Europ. Inst. für Internat. Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, 2010 - The Document may only be accessed from the Special Reading Room.
Patentdatenbank: Implementierung und Nutzung
Mahmutovic, ZafirWuppertal : Europ. Inst. für Internat. Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, 2010 - The Document may only be accessed from the Special Reading Room.
Rating, Kapitalmarktsignale und Risikomanagement
Reformansätze nach der transatlantischen BankenkriseWelfens, Paul J. J.Wuppertal : Europ. Inst. für Internat. Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, 2010 - The Document may only be accessed from the Special Reading Room.
Regional clustering tendencies of the Hungarian automotive and ICT industries in the first half of the 2000's
Lengyel, BalázsWuppertal : Europ. Inst. für Internat. Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, 2010 - The Document may only be accessed from the Special Reading Room.
Regionale und unternehmensspezifische Faktoren einer hohen Wachstumsdynamik von IKT-Unternehmen in Deutschland
Schröder, ChristianWuppertal : Europ. Inst. für Internat. Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, 2010