25 Results for Year = "2002 - 2016"
jump to filter-options25 Results for Year = "2002 - 2016"
- The Document may only be accessed from the Special Reading Room.
Analytische Belletristik
Essays und GesprächeAmmern, Mark (Ed.)1. ePub-Auflage, [Duisburg] : AutorenVerlag Matern, 2014 - The Document may only be accessed from the Special Reading Room.
- The Document may only be accessed from the Special Reading Room.
- The Document may only be accessed from the Special Reading Room.
Essays über KünsteTalmi, Kathrina (Ed.)1. EBook-Auflage, [Duisburg] : AutorenVerlag Matern, 2014 - The document is publicly available
Differential operators on hedgehog-type graphs with general matching conditions
Freiling, Gerhard ; Jurko, Vjačeslav A.[Duisburg] : [Universität Duisburg-Essen], 2014 - The Document may only be accessed from the Special Reading Room.
Das digitale Blütenland
essayistische RedenAmmern, Mark1. EBook-Auflage, [Duisburg] : AutorenVerlag Matern, 2016 - The document is publicly available
Endbericht der Stadt Duisburg zu den tragischen Ereignissen rund um die Loveparade am 24.07.2010 in Duisburg
Heuking, Kühn, Lüer, Wojtek <Düsseldorf> ; DuisburgStand: 01.09.2010, [Duisburg], 2010 - The Document may only be accessed from the Special Reading Room.
- The document is publicly available
Götz W. Werner
Gründer der dm-DrogeriemarktketteNießen, Alexandra (Ed.) ; Universität Duisburg-EssenElektronische Ressource, [Duisburg] : Universität Duisburg-Essen, 2015 - The Document may only be accessed from the Special Reading Room.
Im Wettbewerb
philosophische EssaysTalmi, Kathrina (Ed.)1. E-book-Auflage, [Duisburg] : AutorenVerlag Matern, 2016 - The document is publicly available
On an extension of Korn's first inequality to incompatible tensor fields on domains of arbitrary dimensions
Neff, Patrizio ; Pauly, Dirk ; Witsch, Karl-Josef[Duisburg] : [Universität Duisburg-Essen], 2013 - The document is publicly available
- The document is publicly available
On the Maxwell inequalities for bounded and convex domains
Pauly, Dirk[Duisburg] : [Universität Duisburg-Essen], 2013 - The Document may only be accessed from the Special Reading Room.
- The document is publicly available
Poincaré meets Korn via Maxwell
extending Korn's first inequality to incompatible tensor fieldsNeff, Patrizio ; Pauly, Dirk ; Witsch, Karl-Josef[Duisburg], 2012 [erschienen] 2013 - The Document may only be accessed from the Special Reading Room.
Rechtsordnung des LandesSportBundes Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V.
beschlossen von der Mitgliederversammlung am 22.01.2009Landessportbund Nordrhein-Westfalen[Duisburg], 2009 - The document is publicly available
Schüler forschen im Archiv
ein archivpädagogischer Führer für Schülerinnen und Schüler durch das Landesarchiv Nordrhein-WestfalenPilger, Kathrin (Ed.) ; Althaus, Marén ; Landesarchiv Nordrhein-WestfalenElektronische Ressource, [Duisburg] : Landesarchiv Nordrhein-Westfalen, 2015 - The Document may only be accessed from the Special Reading Room.
- The document is publicly available
Spectral analysis for differential operators of variable orders on star-type graphs
general caseJurko, Vjačeslav A.[Duisburg] : [Universität Duisburg-Essen], 2014 - The Document may only be accessed from the Special Reading Room.