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  •  The Document may only be accessed from the Special Reading Room.

    A core periphery pattern in Russia

    twin peaks or a rat's tail
    Perret, Jens K.
    Wuppertal : Europ. Inst. für Internat. Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, 2010
  •  The Document may only be accessed from the Special Reading Room.

    Global economic sustainability indicator

    analysis and policy options for the Copenhagen Process
    Welfens, Paul J. J. ; Perret, Jens K. ; Erdem, Deniz
    Wuppertal : Europ. Inst. für Internat. Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, 2010
  •  The Document may only be accessed from the Special Reading Room.

    Structural change, specialization and growth in EU 25

    Welfens, Paul J. J. ; Perret, Jens K.
    Wuppertal : Europ. Inst. für Internat. Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, 2010